Privacy Policy


Taking care of your data and protecting them is extremely important to me. Therefore, I ask you to read the prepared document. It contains rules for processing personal data and using cookies and other tracking technologies in connection with the use of this website.

My business is still developing. This online store and the document you are reading will change along with it. Therefore, I encourage you to check this tab regularly.


The data controller is Dominika Kossowska-Gulik, with permanent residence in Franzen 75/5, 3594 Franzen, Austria.

You can contact the controller by writing to the e-mail address:

Please note that by contacting me by e-mail or subscribing to a newsletter, you are providing me with personal information, for example your name and e-mail address.

I assure you that I make every effort to ensure that the data provided is secure.

Wherever data processing requires the involvement of external providers, I guarantee that I consciously select the entities with which I cooperate in order to ensure an appropriate standard of security of the data provided to me.


The use of this website is voluntary. You are in no way forced/coerced to provide personal information. However, failure to provide certain information may result in my inability to perform a particular service and achieve a particular purpose, such as contacting me by email or subscribing to a newsletter.

This website, like many other websites, uses cookies in order to function properly. In the following I indicate exactly how cookies work and what this means for you.

I use analytics tools that collect anonymous information about your visit to this website, such as time spent on the site or tabs viewed. You can find details in this document.


I know that personal information is a valuable asset. I am also aware of the risks involved in processing personal data through the use of the Internet.

However, I make every effort to ensure that your data is properly protected.

I would like to inform you already at this stage that not all rights will be granted to you absolutely and in relation to all activities connected with processing personal data. This is not due to my bad will, but to the nature of the law.


The personal data provided by you may be processed for the purposes indicated below and on the following legal bases:


Mail handling

By sending a message, you provide an e-mail address and other data contained in the body of the message. The provision of an e-mail address is voluntary, but necessary to establish contact. The data are then processed for the purpose of contacting you. The basis for the processing in this case is article paragraph RODO, i.e. your consent resulting from the initiation of contact. Please note that your data will also be processed after the contact has ended. The legal basis for such processing is the legitimate purpose in the form of archiving the correspondence for the purpose of proving it in the future (art. 6 ust. 1 lit. f RODO).

Creation of registers of data processing activities and records resulting from the RODO

This is a legal obligation (the basis of art. 6 ust. 1 lit. f RODO)

Analyzing data collected automatically when using the website

In this case, the data is processed on the basis of art. 6 ust. 1 lit. f RODO , i.e., the legitimate interest of the controller.

Use of cookies on the website

The basis is your consent, which is given even before the website is fully loaded.

Management of the website and other pages/groups on external platforms, e.g. Facebook

The basis for the processing is the entitlement of me, as the controller of your data, exercised on the basis of Article 6(1)(f) RODO – the controller’s legitimate interest and your consent in the case of, for example, joining a Facebook group.

Archival and evidential, for the purpose of securing information that can be used to prove fac

This is the legitimate interest of the controller of personal data, as stated in art. 6 ust. 1 lit. f RODO


This is a legal obligation carried out for the purpose of issuing a VAT invoice or other document on the basis of which we make settlements (basis under art. 6 ust. 1 lit. f RODO)

Sending a newsletter

In order to send the newsletter on the basis of art. 6 ust. 1 lit. f RODO – i.e. the consent given just before signing up for the newsletter and for the purpose of carrying out direct marketing aimed at you , i.e. my, as the administrator, legitimate interest.

Account management and user registration

By creating an account you provide your data, i.e.: name and surname, billing address, e-mail address, Tax Identification Number. Providing data is voluntary, but necessary to place an order.

Processing purposes: performance of the contract concluded by placing an order , billing, as well as archival and statistical purposes.

Order data will be processed for the time necessary for the execution of the order and then until the expiration of the limitation period for claims under the contract. Moreover, after the expiry of this period, the data may still be processed for archival and statistical purposes, in particular to identify the returning customer.

Placing an order and performance of the sales contract

By placing an order you provide the data necessary for the execution of the order, ie: Your name, e-mail address, VAT ID. Providing the data is voluntary, but necessary to place the order.

The data provided to me in connection with the order is processed for the purpose of performing the contract concluded by placing the order, including the sales contract, issuing an invoice, inclusion in the accounting documentation and for archival and statistical purposes.

Order data shall be processed for the time necessary for the execution of the order and then until the expiry of the limitation period for claims under the concluded contract. Furthermore, after this period has expired, the data may still be processed by me for archival and statistical purposes, in particular to identify the returning customer.

In the case of order data, some of your rights will not be available to you, e.g. you cannot object to the processing of your data or request the deletion of data contained in invoices. You can read more about your rights later in this document.

Complaints and withdrawals

If you make a complaint or withdraw from the agreement, you provide the personal data contained in the complaint or statement of withdrawal from the agreement, which include: name and surname, address of residence, telephone number, e-mail address, bank account number. Providing the data is voluntary, but necessary to make a complaint or withdraw from the agreement.

The data provided in connection with the complaint or withdrawal from the contract are used to carry out the complaint procedure or the procedure for withdrawal from the contract , and then for archival purposes, which is my legitimate interest.

The data will be processed for the time necessary for the execution of the complaint procedure or withdrawal procedure. In addition, complaints and statements of withdrawal may be archived in order to be able to demonstrate the course of the complaint process or withdrawal from the contract in the future.

In the case of data provided during the complaint or withdrawal process, some of your rights will not always be available to you under all circumstances.


The RODO grants the following rights in relation to the processing of personal data:

The right of access to information and the duty to inform – this means that every person whose data is processed has the right to know what happens to their personal data. Among other things, the privacy policy you are just reading has been created for this purpose.

Right of access to personal data – means that if I, as the controller of your data, receive a request from you for access to your data, I am obliged to provide you with such information. I, as the data controller, am to perform my obligations in this respect immediately, no later than within one month. If this is not possible within this period, I am obliged to inform you at least whether I am processing your data and may then extend the deadline for a complete response to your request by two months.

Right to rectification of personal data – means that you can request that the controller of your data rectifies inaccurate data or completes incomplete data.

The right to erasure of personal data, the right to be forgotten – means that you can demand that I, as the controller of your personal data, erase your personal data, inform the person to whom your data has been transferred of its erasure. You also have the right to demand that your data, which has been made public by me, is also subject to deletion by other controllers. As the controller of your data, I am also obliged to inform you, upon your request, which recipients have been forwarded your data to be deleted.

The right to restrict the processing of personal data – means that you can request that the processing of your personal data be restricted. This is the case, for example, when you do not agree with the correctness of the processed data or when you consider that you no longer need the data for the purposes of the processing.

The right to object to the processing of your personal data – means that you can object to your data being processed by the controller.

The right to data portability – means that under certain conditions you can request that your data be transferred directly to a designated other controller.

The right to lodge a complaint – means that as soon as you consider that the processing of your data by us violates the law, you can lodge a complaint to the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.

Please remember, that not all of these rights will be granted to you always and in every case. This is not a sign of bad will, but the nature of the law.


Your personal data may be transferred to third parties whose services I use in connection with running the platform and selling electronic products.

However, I assure you that I carefully select the entities with which I cooperate or whose services I use, and I am always guided by the assurance of adequate data protection.

Due to the use of Google or Facebook your data may be transferred to the United States of America (USA) and Canada. However, I would like to inform you that these entities guarantee an adequate level of data protection as required by European legislation.

In order to organize the entities whose services I use, they have been divided into two groups. The first one is the data processors within the European Union. The second group are entities processing data outside the European Economic Area.

(a) Data Processors in the European Economic Area:

Hostinger – a service that provides IT system maintenance and hosting services, in order to store personal data on a server;

Gmail – for the purpose of using email;

WooCommerce Payments – the platform through which payments are made in the online store, which is used by shoppers to pay for orders made in the store;

Google Analytics by Google LLC – a marketing tool.


This website, like many others, uses cookies.

When you visit the site for the first time, information about the use of cookies is displayed. If you do not change the settings of your browser, it means that you agree to their use.

Cookies are short text information stored on the device you use to browse the website.

They can be read by me (“own cookies”, which I use to ensure proper operation of this site), and by systems belonging to other entities whose services I use (“external cookies”).

Please note that you have the right to change the settings of cookies from your browser or to delete them.

This website uses the following tracking technologies:

social plugins such as: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, Vimeo;

Analytical and marketing tools such as: Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel.


Use of the website involves sending requests to the server where my website is hosted.

Each request made to the server is recorded in server logs, which include, for example: IP address, date and time of the server, information about your web browser and operating system you are using.

The data saved in server logs are not associated with particular persons using the service and are used as auxiliary material for administrative purposes.

Their content is not disclosed to anyone except persons authorized to administer the server.


I consciously choose the service providers I use to ensure the highest level of protection for your data.

Your data will not be transferred to a third country outside the European Union for the purpose of sending the newsletter.

Your data, i.e. name and your e-mail, provided in the newsletter subscription form, will be processed for the purpose of sending the newsletter.

Providing your data in the newsletter subscription form is voluntary, but necessary in order to send you the newsletter on the basis of your consent, as well as to send you information on marketing of our own products or services on the basis of my, as the administrator, legitimate interest and in order to assert any possible claims in connection with sending the newsletter.

I guarantee you that your data will be processed until you withdraw the consent you have given, unsubscribe from the newsletter or express your objection.

The mechanism of unsubscribing from the newsletter service is not complicated and consists in clicking on the active link with the information I unsubscribe from the newsletter.

After you have exercised this right and unsubscribed from the newsletter, your data concerning your subscription to this service will be stored for the period necessary to defend against potential claims. This is a legitimate interest of mine as data controller.

I may transfer the personal data provided when subscribing to the newsletter to the following entities: IT system maintenance and hosting service provider, email service provider, newsletter service provider.

As in any case where we process your data, you have the right to access the content of your data, to receive a copy of it, the right to rectification, erasure, restriction of its processing, the right to data portability, the right to object, the right to withdraw consent at any time.

Remember, however, that if you withdraw your consent to data processing, this fact will not affect the legality of data processing that was performed on the basis of your consent before its withdrawal.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint to the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection as soon as you consider that the processing of your data violates the law. Your data will be processed in an automated manner, but will not be subject to profiling.


This website uses Google Analytics. This is a service that analyzes web services and activities.

Details about this Google service are available by clicking the link:

Google Analytics uses so-called “cookies”, text files that are stored on your computer and enable an analysis of your use of the website.

You have the option of disabling the storage of cookies via an appropriate setting in your browser software. However, there is a risk that this will lead to a situation in which you will not be able to make full use of all the functions of this website.

I use Google Analytics in order to analyse the use of this website and to improve it according to user preferences. With the statistics obtained, I can, for example, tailor my offerings.

The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website is usually transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there.

However, Google ensures that it uses the data protection and security mechanisms provided for in European legislation. Details on data protection by Google are available under the link:


The website you are using contains plugins for the following social media sites: Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest.

Through the plug-in you can directly link your profile on the indicated services. The services can then obtain information that you are visiting the website from your IP address.

I would like to inform you that if you visit my website while logged in to your social profiles, then information about your visit will be registered on these social networks. Even if you are not logged in, the social networks are able to obtain information about your IP address.

I would like to emphasize that I do not have information from the social media platforms about the data collected and how it is used. For more information regarding privacy on social networking sites, I suggest you contact the sites directly and review their privacy policies, which are linked in this document.

If you do not want the social networking sites to obtain information regarding your visits to my site, I recommend logging out of the social networking sites first.


The personal data of visitors to my fanpage will be processed in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act of 10 May 2018 and in accordance with the requirements set out in the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (“RODO”).

I have obtained this data from Facebook Inc. and from your public profile on the Facebook online platform.

I process the personal data of individuals who:

– Have subscribed to the fanpage by clicking the “Like” or “Observe” icon

– Joined a thematic group available on the Facebook platform managed by the Administrator by clicking “Join the group”

– Have used the chat option to contact the Administrator

– Published a comment under any of the posts posted on the fanpage,

Personal data will be processed for the following purposes:

In order to manage this fanpage on Facebook and to inform through it about our activity, to promote various events, campaigns, actions that we organize and our brand, products and services, to build and maintain the community associated with us and to communicate through the available Facebook functionalities (comments, chat, messages) which is our legitimate interest (the basis of Article 6.1.f. RODO),

For statistical purposes regarding analysis of the functioning, popularity and manner of use of the fanpage, which is our legitimate interest (the basis on art. 6 ust. 1 lit. f RODO),

In order to possibly determine, pursue or defend against claims, which is our legitimate interest (the basis of art. 6 ust. 1 lit. f RODO)

In order to take steps to enter into a contract due to interest in our services (basis of art. 6 ust. 1 lit. f RODO),

in order to take steps to enter into a contract due to an interest in our services (art. 6 ust. 1 lit. f RODO),

I will process the following categories of Users’ personal data:

-Basic identification data (first and last name) to the extent published by Users on their own/private profile on the social network Facebook,

-Other data published by Users on their Facebook profile, including image (profile photo – if embedded), other data published by Users during a conversation carried out via Messenger application, anonymous statistical data concerning Users visiting the fanpage gathered thanks to cookies, each of which contains a unique User code that can be linked to the connection data of Users registered on Facebook, and which is downloaded and processed at the time of opening the fanpage.

-The period of data processing is related to the purposes and grounds for processing. In this regard:

-Data processed on the basis of the legitimate interest of the Administrator will be processed until the effective submission of an objection or the termination of this interest,

-Data processed in order to assert or defend against claims will be processed for a period equal to the period of limitation of these claims,

Personal data collected by Facebook, i.e. history of posts, history of activity in Messenger application, history of activity via Instagram application is subject to retention under the terms of Facebook regulations;

-Statistical data on fanpage visitors available through the “Facebook Insights” function will be processed for the duration of the availability of such data on Facebook;

Personal data may be transferred to third parties processing data on behalf of the Administrator.

The entities referred to above process data on the basis of an agreement with the Administrator and only in accordance with the Administrator’s instructions, and the processing of personal data will take into account the necessary security measures.

You have the right to access your data, the right to demand their rectification, erasure or restriction of their processing as well as the right to object.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority dealing with personal data protection (President of the Office for Personal Data Protection).

I would like to inform you that you will not be subject to a decision which is based solely on automated processing and which would produce legal effects with regard to you or would in a similar way significantly affect them.